
374 Sawyers Arms Road, Harewood, Christchurch, 8051, New Zealand -

4.71 out of 5 based on 105 user ratings

(105 reviews) 97.14% positive

Florist Choice

Order within > 9 hours and 28 minutes > for delivery on SATURDAY in New Zealand

Florist Choice

Spoilt for choice? Can’t decide? Simply select the occasion and one of our experts will create a unique arrangement using the most beautiful blooms of the day, made especially for your loved one. If you already have an idea of what you want, include this under Special Requests*.

*Our florist may contact you when you make a special request. Please let us know if this isn’t needed!

Choose Size & Price:
Minimum: NZ$105.00
Where and when are you sending your flowers?
Your delivering florist for this order will be:

Octagon Flowers

6,3 Plodder Lane, Bolton, Greater Manchester, Bl4 OEX


(666 Reviews)

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(666 Reviews)

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